Heworth Associates Limited Developing people teams and organisations
                                                                           Heworth Associates Limited                                                                                 Developing people teams                                            and organisations                                                                                                                                                                                                   

what is coaching?

“Unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance

Sir John Whitmore, Chairman, Association for Coaching

The International Coach Federation (ICF) define coaching as

"An ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results  in their lives, careers, businesses and organisations.  Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance and enhance their quality of life.”


Coaching is a process that enables people to achieve extraordinary and sustainable results.


We work in an equal partnership with clients and invite them to clearly define their agenda and desired outcomes.

Based on Transactional Analysis principles, we hold the belief that people are capable, can think change and grow, and will find the best solution for themselves.


In order for the coaching process to be effective it is critical that a clear coaching agreement is established, that the client goals and results are fully defined.  Clients are invited to create measures of success, and to track their progress towards their goals.


Coaching relationships are built, based on trust and respect and clients are invited to be authentic in their work and leadership.  In this context we offer support and challenge in equal measure, working transparently, sharing curiosity and any questions arising.


We hold awareness of the wider system and its impact, as well as people’s opportunity to influence or shift the broader organisation culture.  This means we can be sensitive to any systemic behaviours and beliefs, which are fed back to the client. This can lead to significant shifts of thinking and rejection of previously held assumptions.


As delivery focused coaches, we invite people to achieve tangible results by asking themselves what they are going to do differently as a result of coaching, and what impact their doing and thinking differently will have on others around them, and on achieving their objectives. 

YORK TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS PEER GROUP                  Next Meetings:               Tuesday 1 October           Tuesday 19 November                                   TA provides powerful ways to view the world and learn more about how to communicate and develop effective relationships with others.  

online coach Supervision & development groups forming now 

Supervision is a developmental process that enables us to work with protection permission and potency, deepening coach skills and self knowledge.  Bernadette invites coaches to grow and develop, building on  existing strengths, so that coach and  client flourish and thrive.   


Free taster sessions are avaiable.  More information


Book here


International Coaching Federation York Group    Next meeting date tbc        A variety of meetings, discussions and development activities, and the opportunity to network with colleagues.        

Visitors are welcome at all meetings. Do get in touch if you're interested.   

Leadership and effective team working 

A practical guide to how leaders can create and sustain high performing teams

Use the contact form if you'd like an information pack or are interested in knowing more about this workshop.  

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