Heworth Associates Limited Developing people teams and organisations
                                                                           Heworth Associates Limited                                                                                 Developing people teams                                            and organisations                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Community and voluntary Activities

Heworth Associates support a variety of community and voluntary activities. 

We offer pro bono coaching to volunteers working in selected charities.


We have designed and run community coaching projects to match coaches with volunteer clients in charities.


During the coronavirus crisis we're donating our skills to support NHS staff.  Sign up here if you'd like to offer pro bono coaching: www.aim-you.com/nhsstaff


We also support the Shaw Trust:


Shaw Trust is a national charity that helps people facing disadvantage to find work, gain skills and take control of their futures. The Trust provides back-to-work programmes, training and opportunities across the UK, working at the heart of communities to help thousands of people find the right job. It helps people gain skills and get into work through a range of activities including education, retail and work experience as well as health and social enterprise projects. Many of the people we support have barriers to employment, including lack of recent work experience or training, disabilities and health issues. Our volunteer programme adds value to their journey towards work by bringing people with skills and knowledge into our centres to share their expertise.

Shaw Trust career development coaches will usually see a jobseeker for around six to eight coaching sessions to help them progress towards work or sustain a new job. This will include helping set goals and build their confidence.  We recruit qualified coaches, or people working towards a qualification.

Heworth Associates supports the Shaw Trust to recruit volunteer coaches, especially for centres in the North of England, including York, Darlington, Middlesbrough, Sunderland, Liverpool etc.

If you would like to know more or offer your services then contact us

or contact Shaw Trust Volunteers, Tel. 0300 247 2222

or email volunteers@shaw-trust.org.uk


YORK TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS PEER GROUP                  Next Meetings:               Tuesday 1 October           Tuesday 19 November                                   TA provides powerful ways to view the world and learn more about how to communicate and develop effective relationships with others.  

online coach Supervision & development groups forming now 

Supervision is a developmental process that enables us to work with protection permission and potency, deepening coach skills and self knowledge.  Bernadette invites coaches to grow and develop, building on  existing strengths, so that coach and  client flourish and thrive.   


Free taster sessions are avaiable.  More information


Book here


International Coaching Federation York Group    Next meeting date tbc        A variety of meetings, discussions and development activities, and the opportunity to network with colleagues.        

Visitors are welcome at all meetings. Do get in touch if you're interested.   

Leadership and effective team working 

A practical guide to how leaders can create and sustain high performing teams

Use the contact form if you'd like an information pack or are interested in knowing more about this workshop.  

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